Freekeh Suppe

Freekeh Soup – Grünkernsuppe

Freekeh Soup

Wintertime is soup time. I really missed cold days, the feelings when we are covered under layers of wool, light candles, and the stomach is filled with warm comfort food.

A dish that is for me absolutely the best to taste and smell on these chilly nights, is Freekeh Soup. With tasty spicy broth is this classic soup still the favorite for many, and why not?! Since it’s hearty, cozy and tasty.

It’s definitely one of my all-time favorite soup recipes. Easy and nutritious, nutty, rich and smokey. Comforting without being overwhelming. The perfect balance for a perfect soup.

After a long day, this delicious Freekeh Soup is so easy to prepare, and not just good for the soul, it’s even better for your body to give you the ultimate boost. No matter it’s for lunch, or dinner, it’s always perfect to prepare even for a busy weeknight.

Freekeh is a roasted type of green wheat. Very authentic middle eastern food and still very popular. It comes in two types: cracked (typically used in soup) and whole freekeh. I will talk about the green wheat roasting process in a separate post later on.

Although Freekeh has recently joined the “Super Food” club, it has been very popular in the Arabic cuisine for centuries. Mainly in the Levant. It’s used to make soups, pilaf, salads and stuffing for chicken and poultry.

What is better than this classic soup to warm you up when it’s again cold and rainy!

– 200 g Cracked green wheat (freekeh), washed
– 5 Tbsp Olive oil
– 1 big onion, finely chopped
– Salt and pepper
– 2 Liter Water or vegetable/chicken stock
– 1 bunch of parsley, finely chopped

Freekeh Soup Recipe

1. In a pot over medium heat, sauté the chopped onions in the olive oil
2. Season it with salt and pepper
3. Add Freekeh and stir with onions for a minute or two (roasting freekeh before cooking gives them a richer flavor)
4. Add water or the stock, then cover the pot and leave it under low-medium heat for about an hour or until freekeh is very tender.
5. When the freekeh is tender, add the parsley, and stir it for about 10 minutes, then the soup is ready.


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Winterzeit ist Suppenzeit. Ich schätze zur kalten Jahreszeit, wenn endlich wieder in Wollschichten zwiebeln, Kerzen anzünden und den Bauch mit warmen Comfort Food füllen.

Ein Gericht, das für mich absolut nach “Wohlfühlessen” schmeckt und duftet, ist Freekeh Suppe. Mit würziger Brühe ist der Klassiger nicht totzukriegen und warum auch, wo er doch so gut ist!!

Es ist definitiv eines meiner absoluten Lieblingssupperezepte. Leicht, nahrhaft, und reich. Beruhigend, ohne überwältigend zu sein. Die perfekte Balance für eine perfekte Suppe.

Nach einem langen Tag ist die leckere Freekeh Suppe schnell gemacht, und sorgt für gute Laune auf dem Löffel. Ob zum Lunch oder Abends sie schmeckt einfach immer super. An manchen kalten Tagen gibt es eben einfach nichts besseres.

Freekeh ist unreif geernteter, gerösteter Weizen, also im Grund das Pendant zu Grünkern. Sein rauchiges Aroma passt super zu Suppen und Eintöpfen, er kann aber auch in Pilafs, und Salaten verwendet werden. Man kann ihm beim arabischen Lebensmittelgeschäftes kaufen.

Obwohl Grünkern sich kürzlich dem Superfood Club beigetreten hat, ist es seit Jahrhunderten in der arabischen Küche sehr beliebt. Vor allem in der Levant!

Was gibt es bessere, als die gute alte Grünkernsuppe wenn es mal wieder regnerisch und kühler wird?

– 200 g Grünkern, geschrotet und gewaschen
– Olivenöl
– Eine große fein gewürfelte Zwiebel
– Salz und Pfeffer
– 2 Liter Wasser oder Gemüsebrühe
– 1 Bund Blatt fein gehackten Peterssilien

Freekeh Soup Recipe

1. Das Olivenöl in dem Kochtopf erhitzen, und die Zwiebeln darin andünsten
2. Mit Salz & Pfeffer abschmecken
3. Die Grünkern in den Topf geben, und gut rösten
4. Mit 2 Liter Wasser bedecken, und dann bei geschlossenem Deckel auf mittlerer Stüfe fast eine Stunde köcheln lassen, oder bis Grünkern gar wird.
5. Wenn Grünkern gar sind, die gehackten Peterssilien hinzufügen, und noch 10 Minuten weiter kochen lassen.


Viel Spaß beim Nachmachen!

Eure Lana ❤

Grünkern Suppe Rezept


89 comments on “Freekeh Soup – Grünkernsuppe

  1. We’ve been trying to incorporate more superfoods into our diet and looks like freekeh should be in our to eat list! The soup looks super cozy and wonderful.


  2. It’s been really chilly in California and this Freakeh soup looks so yummy and right on on cozy chilly winter season! I remember seeing Freekeh in wholefood market and would love to buy tomorrow and try this recipe. thanks for sharing!


    • It’s so yummy and cozy, indeed! There’s nothing better than a hearty bowl of soup on this chilly winter season! Looking forward to hearing back from you, how does it taste, once you try it. & don’t forget to tag me @kuminkueche, I would love to see your creation. Lots of Love, Lana 🙂


  3. I love this time of year because it means it’s soup time! it’s my go to comfort food to warm up my soul! thanks for the recipe I’ll be sure to try it!


    • Me too, nothing can beat a good warm cozy bowl of tasty soup, and this one is my favorite. I’m sure you’ll love it. Looking forward to hearing back from you how it tasted, and don’t forget to tag me @kuminkueche so I can like it. Glad to see your creation. 🙂


    • Freekeh is definitely one of my favorite ingredients in the kitchen. I love it in soups, salads and with chicken, it’s super yummy.
      You definitely need to add it to your ingredients everyday menu. Looking forward to hearing back from you. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    • Soups are made for winter, they are the best! Nothing can beat a bowl of hearty warm soup between the hands. And this soup is definitely the ONE, you’ll definitely love it. Let me know how it turned out for you once you try it. 🙂


  4. Soup in the winter is pure perfection!! 😍 (but I also like trying to have it all year round. And regret the craving when it’s very hot outside haha!)

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Nice post. I learned something new about food and culture from your site. It’s always useful to read through articles from other authors and practice something from their sites.


  6. I have loved soups always since they make one refreshing. A god recipe, I need to try out, its so cold out and I try to make some soup daily. This can be a good variation.


  7. This looks so delish! Lately, my go-to lunch has been broccoli cheddar soup. It’s so easy to prepare and is super filling. I definitely want to try something different since I eat the same thing everyday.


    • Broccoli Cheddar Soup sounds tasty, but I’m sure you’d love to try this one. It’s super healthy, nutritious and yummy! Try and let me know how it turned out for you once you try it. & don’t forget to tag me @kuminkueche, so I can like it 🙂


  8. I am loving all these new soup recipes I have been reading lately. I will try your recipe. I must admit I have never had freekeh before so this is an exciting kitchen experience for me. Thanks for the recipe.


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