

Awwamat – Awwameh

Awwameh, Awwamat, Lqaimat, Luqaimat, or Loqmat el Qadi. – (Arabic Doughnuts)

Well, you may find it a bit difficult to pronounce (or spell),  but I assure you it’s much easier to make than to spell.

Awwamat are balls of yeast dough fried in oil and dipped in orange blossom flavored sugar syrup (Ater). They are crunchy on the outside and soft, sweet, and syrupy in the inside.

Awwameh is a traditional and common Syrian sweet, so popular, you find it everywhere, in the streets, in every pastry shop, piled up in a tray in a big pyramid shape.

They are sinfully delicious with that signature glaze of sugar syrup customary to most Arabic sweets. You bite into them and you get a little burst of rosewater syrup perfectly balanced by the light and fluffy cooked dough. Sweet, delicious, and crispy.

Anything with an exotic name like that is obviously something to try. But behind each name, there’s a story.. So, let me explain to you what do these names mean..

Luqaimat (aka Lqaimat )

Once upon a time, there was a young girl, who was in love with a boy called ( Luqai ), one day, while she was making a yeast dough dessert for her dad, she heard that her lover has died, her father entered the kitchen asking her: Sweety, what are you preparing?

She answered wistfully: Luqai mat

mat means in Arabic has died. So she meant that Luqai-her lover has died, but her dad thought she was making a sweet called Luqaimat, and the name has spread worldwide until this day.

Loqmat el Qadi

Qadi in Arabic means the Judge

Loqma or Loqmeh means one bite

It was told that the judges were always busy and had no time to go back home to have lunch. So they were eating these tasty crunchy balls; since they are small and can be eaten in one bite. They are perfect for making filling and tastes great.


Awwama ( aka Awwameh ) – singular

Awwamat – plural

They have been called like this, because of their spherical shape, so that they float over the oil when frying, like the sea buoy, and that means in Arabic Awwama.

– 2 cups of flour
– 1 1/4 cup warm water
– 1 Tbsp cornstarch
– 1 Tsp instant yeast
– 1 Tbsp sugar
– 1 Tsp orange blossom water/ flower water
– Pinch of salt

Awwama ingredients

1. Mix the flour, cornstarch, sugar, yeast, and salt together, add orange blossom water and water and stir it with a whisk.
* The Batter should be like the cake batter, soft, elastic, and sticky. (you may need to add more water or flour depending on the type of flour you use, but do it one tablespoon at a time)
2. Cover and allow to rise in a warm place until it doubles in size.
3. Meanwhile, prepare the sugar syrup.
4. Heat the oil, and when it’s hot enough (you can know by dropping a little of the dough and if it fizzes immediately, then it’s ready) fry small balls of the dough.
5. Fill part of the batter in a small plastic bag, tie it. Cut one of the corners off (the size of opening depends on how big you want your Awwama to be, but the smaller the better). Hold the bag in your hand and squeeze a little of the batter onto the wet ice cream scooper.
* Alternative you can use tea spoon, take from the batter small amounts (like small ball shape) then drop the dough into the hot oil and repeat.
6. Prepare a small cup filled with oil next to you, you will need to wet the spoon/ice cream scooper in the oil after every few times, because the batter will stick to it.
7. The balls will swell and float on top. Stir the dough balls in the oil to ensure they get golden and crisp on all sides.
8. Remove Awwama out of the oil with a slotted spoon.
9. Drop Awwama into the sugar syrup (the syrup should be room temperature), allow it to absorb the syrup, and stir it until it uniformly coated and then take it out.


Be sure to tag me in your photos @kuminkueche


Awwameh, Awwamat, Lqaimat, Luqaimat, oder Loqmat el Qadi.

Also, vielleicht findet ihr es schwer auszusprechen (oder buchstabieren), aber ich versichere euch, es ist viel einfacher zu machen als zu buchstabieren.

Awwamat sind kleine frittierte Teigbällchen, die in Zuckersirup (Ater) getunkt werden. Die sind sehr lecker, Außen schön knusprig, und innen leicht und fluffig mit ein feines Aroma entwickelt.

Awwameh ist traditionelle übliche sehr beliebte levantine Süßspeise, es kann überall gefunden wird, in den Straßen, in jeder Konditorei, in einem Tablett aufgestapelt in einer großen pyramidenform.

Sie sind sündhaft lecker, mit dieser Glasur Unterschrift von Zuckersirup, üblich für die meisten arabischen Süßigkeiten.

In sie beißen, und ein wenig Rosenwassersirup Sprengen, Perfekt ausbalanciert durch den fluffig leicht gekochten Teig, bekommst du. Süß, lecker, und knusprig.

Alles wie exotischen Namen wie das ist offensichtlisch etwas zu probieren. Aber hinter
jedem Name gibt es eine Geschichte.. So, lasst ihr mich euch erklären, was diese Namen bedeuten..

Luqaimat or Lqaimat (nur verschwindenen Akzent)

Es war ein Mädchen, das in einen Jungen verliebt hatte, er heißt ( Luqai ). Eines Tages, während sie frittierte Teigbällchen dessert für ihren Vater herstellte, hörte sie, dass ihr Liebhaber gestorben ist. Ihr Vater trat in die Küche und er fragte sie: “Schatz, was bereitest du vor?”

Sie wehmütige antwortete: ” Luqai mat “
mat (verb) bedeutet ist gestorben. Also, sie meinte dass ihr Liebhaber gestorben ist, aber ihr Vater dachte, sie hat ein Dessert heißt Luqaimat hergestellt, und der Name hat sich bis Heute auf die Welt verbreitet.

Loqmat el Qadi

Qadi bedeutet der Richter

Loqma oder Loqmeh bedeutet einen Bissen

Es wurde gesagt dass, Der Richter war immer beschäftigt und hatte keine Zeit um nach Hause zurückzugehen und Mittag zu essen. Deshalb hatte er diese leckere knusprige Teigbällchen gegessen, da sie klein sind, und in einem Bissen gegessen werden können. Die sind Perfekt um satt zu machen und geschmackvoll.


Awwama or Awwameh (nur verschwindenen Akzent) – singular

Awwamat – plural

Sie werden Awwamat genannt, wegen ihrer spärischen Form, also sie schweben auf das Öl, und das bedeutet auf Arabisch Awwameh.

– 360 g Mehl
– 0.37 Liter Lauwarmes Wasser
– 1 EL Maisstärke
– 1 TL Hefe
– 1 EL Zucker
– 1 TL Orangenblütenwasser
– Prise Salz

Awwama ingredients

1. Die trockenen Zutaten miteinander verrühren, Wasser und Orangenblütenwasser mischen, und mithilfe eines Schneebesens unterrühren.
* Der Teig soll am Ende sehr weich, elastisch, und klebrig sein.
2. Den Teig abdecken und ca. 20 Min. stehen lassen.
3. Inzwischen Zuckersirup vorbereiten.
4. Das Öl erhitzen, and nd wenn das Öl heiß genug ist, dann den Teig zu klein Bällchen hineingeben.
5. Der Teig in einen Spritzbeutel oder Spritzcontainer füllen, dann durch der Spritzbeutel auf den Eisportionierer spritzen.
* Alternativ kann man natürlich auch ein TL nehmen, also von den Teig langsam mit dem Teelöffel nehmen, und sie nach und nach ausfrittieren.
6. Ein Schälchen mit Öl neben den Teig legen, immer wieder den TL / Eisportionierer ins Öl tunken. Nie Wasser benutzen. Durch das Fett, löst sich der Teig besser vom Löffel.
7. Die Teigbällchen werden goldbraun frittiert.
8. Die Teigbällchen nach einander aus dem Öl nehmen.

9. Awwama direkt mit Zuckersirup gewälzt.


Viel Spaßbeim Nachmachen!

Eure Lana ❤



91 comments on “Awwama

  1. These. Look. Gorgeous. 😍
    I like that you went into the history of the doughnuts before you went into the recipe; it really gives an understanding of why it has the name it does. I really want to make these some day, and with your step by step instruction being so clear, it shouldn’t be too hard!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I believe that food is not just recipes, it’s much more than this! and behind each recipe, there’s a story to tell!
      each name means something precious, and when we are able to understand what does these names mean we will be able to estimate the food much more!
      Thanks for reading and for this lovely comment. and yes please try this one, it’s super easy to follow and very delicious! & lemme know how it turned out for you once you try it..
      Best regards, Lana 🙂


    • I heard that this tasty arabic dessert look like the Indian Gulab Jamun! It’s so interesting to know these information through blogging! This is one of the most amazing thing about blogging!
      So, lemme know what do you think once you try them 😉


    • Glad you like it! It’s definitely so tasty, your daughter will surely like it a lot 🙂 so give it a try and lemme know how it turned out for you both, and don’t forget to tag me if you post a photo, so I can like it 😉
      Have a lovely day my dear 🙂


  2. We have something similar in Ghana called buff loaf or just doughnuts it’s really delicious. I hope to try Awwama one day just to compare tastes. I’m sure I’ll love it.

    Liked by 1 person

    • It’s such a great and fascinating thing to know about other cultures food from blogging! Awwama does indeed taste great, would definitely recommend it! & I would really love to try these buff loaf thing, sounds really interesting 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. These look and sound delicious. They remind me of some Indian treats my former co-workers used to bring into the office, I always loved trying the treats of their culture. I like that you include a backstory with the recipe!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Indeed! It’s always nice to hear about other cultures food. A lot have told me that this recipe is similar to some Indian treats, it looks the same, but would really love to taste it to compare tastes! I’m sure I will like, I always liked trying new treats..
      I had to look so deeply to find the origin of this recipe, since as you see the name is so exotic, and having these beautiful stories behind the name, makes it unique and deserves a try 🙂


  4. I loved this post! Someone said your blogs
    you’re always coming out with great stuff.
    I shared this on my facebook and my follwers loved it! Keep up you’ll
    be able to work.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Oh man! When I look at the pictures of ’em I suddenly feel a huge empty space in my stomach, lol! They look very similar to Pakistanian/Indian “gulaab jamuns”, which are my absolute favorite sweets in the whole damn world 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh, thanks for your sweet comment! Glad you like it! they are absolutely delicious, and definitely worth trying!
      A lot of people told me, our Awwama looks like these Indian treats you’ve mentioned! I would really love to try them, just to compare tastes 😉
      Please lemme know how they turned out for you once you try them 🙂


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